Die neue Version für 2022 ist online!
Es wurden viele Verbesserungen und Fehlerberichtigungen implementiert.
Die neue Version für 2022 ist online!
Es wurden viele Verbesserungen und Fehlerberichtigungen implementiert.
TPS.net ist nun in der Version 2017 erschienen. Die neuste Version bietet umfangreiche Verbesserungen:
Und noch vieles mehr
ESV Unterstützung nun verfügbar!
Die aktuelle Version von TPS.net unterstützt nun vollständig das ESV Verfahren des DTV’s
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The day after the European Championship Formation I had a look for the results on the WDSF website. Well … this was a bit like a mess. Some places where missing, it looked like some judges gave incorrect number of marks and a bit more.
What happened? I asked the scrutineer and he said he uploaded he result but saw some error messages. It finally showed up that he did not have MINs of two teams and mixed up the Min of another team. But obviously he did not checked the website if everything is OK.
So: Please doublecheck! After uploading always open the WDSF website and check if the result is OK
What to do if Wifi is not working as expected:
* Move the access point to the right / left / up
* Try to find a raised position for the access point
Welcome to the world of scrutineering software.
Current Versions:
WDSF Result Transmitter, Version 20/04/2014 Update_WDSFResultTransmitter_20042014
mobileControl, Version 20/04/2014 mobileControl